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La Galera Anemoi Notus has won CAESAR Cigar of the Year 2022

Alex Stoian
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Marius Vizer Shogun was `runner up`.

The 3rd edition of the “CAESAR Cigar of the Year” competition ended with the victory of La Galera Anemoi Notus who scored 91 points (out of a maximum of 100 possible). In the “runner up” position came the first cigar made by a Romanian, Marius Vizer Shogun who scored 87 points. The podium is completed by Furia Megaera who scored 84 points.

“CCTY strengthens its position as a key regional competition among cigar smokers. The way it is organized – again this year – is the best evidence of a level playing field for all cigars entered in the competition. The direct participation of importers’ representatives in all stages as well as the “blind” testing sessions – with finalist cigars randomly numbered without the original ring – ensure the highest degree of objectivity. The members of the Jury are among the best-known and most respected cigar aficionados, providing a jury of international standing. On behalf of the CCTY 2022 Jury, I can say that the results reflect the reality of today’s cigar industry, which is developing spectacularly, with new brands and vitolas impressing. Now Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic are the leading forces in the field. All this geographical diversity, in quality and even quantity, is probably the best news for cigar lovers.” said Dan Vardie, Founder and President of CAESAR Cigar of The Year.

“For me, today’s result was unexpected and very pleasing. We competed alongside established brands that are older than us. I’m glad to see that the La Galera brand is slowly being seen and appreciated. Although it is slightly atypical, generally medium strength and full bodied, we saw its potential from the first smoke and I am sure they will continue the evolution process and we will try new combinations. So thanks to Mr. Vardie and his staff for organizing this event and to all the jury members who took time out of their day to taste so many cigars. We are waiting for you in La Galera universe to discover your favorite”, said Radu Niculescu, Co-Owner Transilvania Hotels & Restaurants SRL.

Marius Vizer said, “The cigars I created are an expression of my passion for cigars. Two years ago I created my own brand with three vitolas – Shogun, Samurai and Ronin, in the spirit of martial arts and fair play. The motto of the brand is “Live your life with honor, courage and passion”. We did over 200 tests to arrive at the current blend of the MV cigar. We launched these cigars in Romania and now they are known in many countries around the world. I wish all cigar enthusiasts to smoke these cigars which inspire and motivate me. I would like to congratulate CESAR Cigar of the Year! It is an important event that I appreciate and have followed for several editions. I wish you all the best in promoting the real values of the cigar world.”

Even though this contest has a winner who received the title of “CAESAR CIGAR of The Year 2022”, the organizers insist that all 6 finalists are exceptional cigars, following the spirit of this contest to promote hand made cigars of the highest quality. In the world of cigar smokers, a list of the best cigars on the Romanian market, such as the one from CCTY, is eagerly awaited.

The CAESAR Cigar of the Year 2022 jury is an evolution from last year’s jury composition. Victor Martin and Lucian Azoiței have joined last year’s jury: Iosif Szavuj, Marius Ghenea, Eduard Uzunov, Dragos Alecu, Florin Popa, Javier Garcia del Valle and Dan Vardie, CAESAR Founder – Jury President. For this edition, due to a medical illness, Javier was unable to judge. However, he remains a member of the CCTY jury, and will jury the 2023 edition.

In the first half of July, two tasting sessions were held with 3 cigars in the Finals. The tasting was conducted by the Jury members in “blind”, the cigars having only a ring with an identification number, without the original ring. Each Jury member was provided with an internationally certified scoring grid that allocates up to 100 points for a cigar. Following each Jury member’s vote for each of the 6 Finalists, a ranking was compiled based on the number of points given by the Jury members – from which the extreme, highest and lowest scores were taken, then averaged to give the final score. This score led to the final ranking of the competition and the winner of the CAESAR Cigar of The Year 2022 title!

The rules required each handmade cigar importer to nominate a maximum of 10 brands with a single vitola. The Jury members deliberated by direct vote on the list of 6 finalists.

Each of the cigar importers entered in the competition – El Unico, Transilvania Hotels & Restaurants and Marius Vizer Cigars – appointed a representative to the Competition Supervisory Committee. Representatives from the Committee attended all jury sessions ensuring full transparency of the judging process.

One session took place at Caupona Restaurant and the second at Topalu Residence, which hosted the event.

The CCTY 2022 is a European regional competition, aimed exclusively at cigar smokers, adults over the age of 18 who have this passion.

CAESAR aims to promote the idea that cigar smoking is an attribute of people of spirit, bon viveurs, who participate in a unique, extraordinary experience. Smoking a cigar together is a joy that we share with everyone around us at a cigar lounge.

CAESAR clearly distances itself from cigarette smoking, which, benefiting from a far too permissive legislation, comes with many risks for cigarette smokers. The cigar is a 100% natural product, with a composition of 100% carefully selected tobacco, at a quality level unanimously recognized and appreciated.

CAESAR advocates for premium, handmade cigars, the only ones accepted in the national CCTY competition.

We thank the partners of this edition CCTY: Transilvania Hotels & Restaurants, El Unico, MV Cigars. Penaud Ricard, Balla Geza and Caii de la Letea and Prince Matei wines.

Below you can find the “CAESAR Cigar of The Year 2022” ranking:

  1. La Galera Anemoi Notus 91 pct
  2. Marius Vizer Shogun 87 pct
  3. Furia Megaera 84 pct
  4. AJ Fernandez New World Puro Especial 79 pct
  5. Plasencia Alma Fuerte Robustos I 78 pct
  6. E. Perez Carillo Pledge Prequel 76 pct

For more details contact Alex Stoian, Caesar Brand manager, alex@caesar.club



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